Scripting API


Module BTKAnalogModifier


Appends a new analog channel into the given acquisition and (optionally) returns an updated list of analog channels.


hHandle pointing to a C++ btk::Acquisition object.
labelString representing the label of the appended analog channel.
valuesData for the appended analog channel. It must be a numpy matrix (n,1) where n is the number of frames (for the analog part) into the acquisition
descriptionString representing the description of the appended analog channel.

Returned Values#

analogsUpdated list of analog channels. Its format is the same than using the function
analogsInfoUpdated informations related to the analog channels. Its format is the same than using the function

Detailed Description#


See also#

btkClearAnalogs, btkGetAnalogs, btkRemoveAnalog


(analogs, analogsInfo) = btkAppendAnalog(h, label, values)
(analogs, analogsInfo) = btkAppendAnalog(h, label, values, description)
